Time 2 Pray

We saw Dr. Miyashiro, Jane’s oncologist, and the Radiologist, Dr. Moon, yesterday. Due to the number of lesion (17), the consensus from the doctors was that Jane needs to have Whole Brain Radiation (WBR). There are a large number of side effects with this and most of them are not very nice. Side effects include but are not limited to, chronic fatigue, nausea, headaches, memory loss, dizziness and ringing in the ears. Some of the side effects can be immediate and others can take months to develop.

How Bad Is IT?

Well, it is in the brain, that’s not good. I was unable to assess the doctor’s opinion but she seemed concerned enough that we should start this immediately. As far as the rest of the cancer goes, it seems to be stable and not growing, that is good.

The Treatment Plan

Jane starts WBR today at 4:00 pm. She will be getting 10 treatments over the next two weeks. Once this is finished we will have to decide what treatment plan to follow. She will continue on herceptin and Zometa, but we are not sure about the chemo drug. We may be looking for something that will penetrate the brain better.

Prayer Time

I’m not sure what to say except please pray for Jane, the chemo has already effect the short term memory, this is a big fear for her. I have read a few accounts of what others have gone through and they all have had some side effects. I will be posting a schedule of treatments and would ask that you pray during each one of them. Please start today, and if you get the opportunity please pray for her throughout the day, especially during the treatment.  Jane is really sensitive to medications and most treatments, so her side effects can be quite acute. We really need pray for a complete healing.  Please lift up the family. Pray God’s grace on the boys, that they would be able to understand, accept and continue to grow in Christ through this. And definitely pray for me.

25 thoughts on “Time 2 Pray

  1. Jane, Ray, and boys:

    We are lifting you all up in prayer – as is our whole church here and my mom’s church back in Texas. We love you and I have faith that God will see you through this and that many blessings will come out of these trials. Blessings and hugs, Theresa

  2. Dear Arneys,

    Jack and I just wanted you to know that we continue to keep all of you in prayer. We will especially be praying for Jane during her radiation treatment at 4:00 today.

    God’s glory is shown through all of you, both as a family and as individuals, in how you are dealing with Jane’s illness. We pray for the Father’s blessing, healing, and peace upon each of you!

    Sending You Our Love,
    Diane & Jack 🙂

  3. Our church here in Florida will be praying, too. May all of you experience God’s love and sustaining power in a new way. Love, Carol

  4. Ray, Jane:

    I know from experience how frustrating this cancer is. Just when you think you will have good news, new tumors pop up. I am praying for your family and wish this cancer goes completely away. Please stay positive and the love you have for each other will get you through this. May your next scan show no tumors in the brain. Thinking of you both and your boys and praying for a miracle healing.

  5. We are praying for all of you … and your extended families as well. Know we love you more than you can imagine. We are here for you. We love you — Lei-Ann, Ron, Moku, Haku

  6. Ray and Jane,

    When my wife Amy underwent brain surgery 2 years ago, I saw the power of prayer in action before my very eyes. I am confident that JESUS will be there for you and your family also. We will be keeping you in prayer each day and visualizing Jane’s awesome healing.

    Ray if you need anything at all or just need someone to chat with, please give me a call on my cell phone (xxx-xxxx). I remember those nights in the waiting room and being able to call a brother to talk to encouraged me so much. I’m here for you my brother…everything is going to be fine.

    Love you both,

    Malcolm and Amy

  7. Just wanted to let you know you are continually in our prayers. We are praying for your healing and for your comfort as you go through all of this. We pray for your family to be comforted and to find the strength to support you. We would love to offer our help in any way we can that may make things even a little easier for you or your family.
    Many blessings and Praise God for what he is going to do for you and your family.
    Love Mattthew, Trisha, Andrew, Abby and Ashley Meury

  8. Jane,
    I pray that your first WBR yesterday was powerful and massively healing. I praise God that all of these procedures and machines have been created by his brilliant sons and daughters to counter the sickness in this world! You are such a light to everyone around you, Jane. Your whole family is a light on a hill. The way that you love and live is just so inspirational. Brian, Isabelle, and I love you so much, Jane! I pray that you be healed completely in Jesus’ name. Rest, replenish, and continue to draw your strength from our mighty God as you go for 9 more WBR’s. God loves you so much Jane. It saddens him to see you and your family have to endure this, but healing IS coming. Call me if you need ANYTHING. Are there any special snacks that you would like to ease your nausea?

    I love you!
    Tracy Aki

  9. Ray & Jane,

    You are in our prayers and heart. If you ever need an RN not a Registered Nerd (that’s what my friends call me) a Registered Nurse :), I am here for both of you, call on me anytime. Or if you just want some hot salsa call me and I will bring over some hot salsa or maybe medium, I wonder if that would help with nausea! MMmm I would have to research that one.

    Lots of blessings and love Jacob, Renee and kids.

  10. Dear Ray and Jane,

    I’m praying for you. I ran into JoAnn while walking yesterday- we stopped to pray for you. She said she’d pray again with Norman when she got home. May God heal you completely. May He bless you and the boys.



  11. Jane and Ray,
    Your deep faith in the power of our Savior and His plans for your Family is truly a witness to all those who are around you. The strength that your children see in you and the devotion to the Lord is more then mind-blowing, it is a lesson to us. Your Family is in our Family prayers and we know that regardless of what tomorrow will bring, this will be used as a tool by God to bring Glory to His kingdom and praise to His son Jesus.

  12. It is quite overwhelming to see all that you and your family are going through. our family is in constant prayer for you guys. We stand in faith and know that our God is definitely an AWESOME God. We love you guys!
    Please let us know if you need anything.

    Love & hugs,
    Randy, Jocelyn & Kai

  13. Ray and Jane,

    Thank you all for your faithfulness to all of us. We are continuing to lift you all up in prayer and placing Jane in the comforting hands of our loving Heavenly Father with specific prayer and fasting today. God is always faithful, full of love, and reigns supreme!


    Ken, Shari, Remi & Timi

  14. Ray, Jane and the Boys,

    Your family will forever hold a special place in our hearts because Ray was the one that got us married. We will keep Jane in our prayers everyday. We have faith in God that He will put his healing hand on Jane and get rid of the cancer. God will forever be on your side to help you through this ordeal. We love you Jane, and we know that God will do wonders for you and your family.

    Kerry and Suzanne

  15. Jane my dear long friend ago!! I just found out the news with you from Glenn Yamasaki—It has been many years and i have looked at the websites pictures!! The Lord has blessed you with much!!! I wish I could see you and I have lost touch with Linda as well! So many years have gone by!! Yet to think we all grew up in the little japanese church in santa clara and here we all are that have grown our seperate ways. The Lord’s hand is upon you no matter what the body and dr’s are telling you. You are the Lord’s and his kingdom has been established in you. You have done much glory for him as I can tell by just the pictures. I wish I was there to hug you and reminesce of the past years we all had in the Bay area. The Lord will take care of your family and you forever. I pray that his peace and strength stay in you on this challenge. I love you and God is wit-you and your family. His promises he will keep . All my love to you -ane.——Nate Imahara 702-xxx-xxxx(cell)

  16. Ray, Jane, Samo, Gabs,
    Hey! It’s uncle Greg here. I had been fasting for Jane for about 2 months. Then not for about 2 months. Then, yesterday, tues am, in my QT, i felt prompted to fast. So I did. And I just read your last blog entry and now I know why. God is watching over you and mustering to prayer the support you need, even going so far as to get my attention way out here in CA.
    I love you guys, and won’t stop praying. The girls pray for you everynight now, for “Missus Arnia”. cute. By His Love,

  17. Received a request for prayers from St. John Lutheran Church in Kailua. As a former member now living in Kansas, I want to join my prayers with those of all who know and love you all.
    May God’s healing grace surround all four of you.
    (your beautiful family picture is now my desktop background, and I will send a prayer up each time I look at those beautiful faces.
    Aloha, Judy

  18. Hello from Oregon. We just heard of all that your family is going through. We will be lifting you all up in constant prayer. May the Lord bring you the PEACE that only He can bring — He is in total control. (PHIL 4:4-8 comes to mind) Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to further His kingdom. Rejoice in the Lord always! God is good! Praying for total healing.

    Lotsa Love,
    Tad, Karen, Tayler Kai, & Samaria

  19. Ray, Jane and Boys. I have just learned about this site from DeAnn. She also has been keeping me informed about Jane’s cancer and I wanted to tell you Jane that Dodie and I have not forgotten you, or your friendship. I just prayed for you and your family, especially for healing. May God bless the Arney’s!

    Jim and Dodie Shyer

  20. Hi Jane, Ray, and Boys,

    I just found out about your cancer through Shelly Arakawa. My husband and I will continue to pray that Christ will bring healing, peace, and comfort to you and your family. God loves you so!!!!

  21. We received an email from Randy Kimura and we’re praying for you, Jane, for complete healing and for comfort for your family. You are such a loving woman and I always think so fondly of how you were so kind to me at my first women’s retreat with HCWO. Take care and rest. Our prayers will continue to be with you and your family.

    Glenn, Laurie, & Laurenn

  22. Jane and Ray-

    This is Debbie Wilson- We met a few years back when we were stationed in Hawaii- thru HCWO- Jane I was at a few of the Women’s retreat with you also- My husband is Chris Wilson-( Army pilot) we have 3 children- Nicholas- Ava and Audrey – We lift up your health condition to the great physician and healer- Jesus! We pray for rest- endurance and strength for all- it is thru the storms in life that we dig our roots deeper in Him and the word.
    Love and Hugs – together with you in unity with Christ during this time! Love- The Wilsons

  23. Dear Jane & Ray,
    I am Ken Evans’ mom & I want to let you know I have been praying too. I’m leaving it all in our Great Physician’s hand, knowing He is able, more than able to deliver you. I trust you will know & experience His great love for you all during this trying time. Love, in Him, Patti Earle

  24. Aloha Jane!!
    I am glad you referred me to this website. I will prayer for you and your family daily. Our wonderful Lord has all power! Power to heal you, power to help you and your family endure all that he has for you to fulfill in this situation. Keep you eyes open for opportunities to Glorify God and never stop praying for him to heal you. I look forward to hanging out with you later on this month. I will call or email you once we return from snowboarding.
    God be with you all,
    Carolyne (from Chemo)

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